joi, 30 aprilie 2015

General Election 2015: Your questions on the environment answered

Marion Godman, Kennington

Liz Truss: “We put in place a comprehensive strategy which includes cattle movement controls, badger vaccination in some areas and culling in the areas where the disease is rife. This approach has worked in Australia, it’s working in New Zealand and Ireland and is supported by leading vets.”

Maria Eagle: “The Independent Expert Panel, the Government’s own scientific advisers, concluded after the first year of the badger culls that they were “ineffective” and “inhumane”. A Labour government will end these disastrous culls.”

What will you do about the ban on hunting with hounds if you form the next government?

Goff Moore, Maidenhead

Liz Truss: “I personally believe that the Hunting Act was a mistake and would vote for repeal. Acknowledging the strong views on both sides of the debate, the Conservatives are committed to giving Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act on a free vote.”

Maria Eagle: “The Hunting Act is one of the Labour Party’s proudest achievements. Yet despite its success and the overwhelming support of the British public, it is under threat from the Tories and the Liberal Democrats, who have promised to hold a free vote on repealing the Act. David Cameron has repeatedly stated his opposition to the Hunting Act. Only Labour can protect it.”

Read more:
Green Party accused of ignoring climate change
Keep Lib Dems in coalition, says green industry
Where the parties stand on the key environmental issues


Are you in favour of GM foods or against them and why? How would you seek to change the laws on GM if elected?

Alice Chislett, Leyton

Liz Truss: “I want Britain to lead the world in food and farming, and our farmers should have access to the latest technology, including GM. We’ll only agree to the planting of GM crops if a robust risk assessment indicates that it is safe for people and the environment.”

Maria Eagle: “GM foods are one possible tool that could make a contribution to tackling the challenge of global food security… That’s why it is right the EU member states decide themselves whether they wish to use GM crops. But the safety of people and the environment should be the government’s top priority and any decision needs to be grounded in scientific evidence.”

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What measures will you take to support the transition to a zero-carbon economy, which is essential to avoid catastrophic climate change? 

Chris Ring, Derby

Liz Truss: We have cut our greenhouse gas emissions by 6 per cent since 2010. We will work for a fair, strong, legally-binding, global climate deal which limits temperature rises to below 2C. We will reduce carbon emissions in the most cost-effective way possible.

Maria Eagle: We remain committed to the Carbon Budgets which commit the UK to a 50 per cent cut in emissions on 1990 levels by 2025. The next Labour government will therefore set a legally binding target to decarbonise the electricity supply by 2030, consistent with advice from the Committee on Climate Change.

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