vineri, 27 februarie 2015

Charles Nicolle


“Chance favors only those who court her.”

“And this is the ultimate lesson that our knowledge of the mode of transmission of typhus has taught us: Man carries on his skin a parasite, the louse. Civilization rids him of it. Should man regress, should he allow himself to resemble a primitive beast, the louse begins to multiply again and treats man as he deserves, as a brute beast. This conclusion would have endeared itself to the warm heart of Alfred Nobel. My contribution to it makes me feel less unworthy of the honour which you have conferred upon me in his name.”

born: 21 September 1866 Rouen, France

died: 28 February 1936 Tunis, Tunisia

a doctor, microbiologist, novelist, thinker, and historian. From 1903 until his death in 1936, he used to be Director of the Institut Pasteur in Tunis, Tunisia. Nicolle’s many accomplishments embrace the discovery that epidemic typhus is transmitted through body lice (Pediculus humanis corporis), discovery of the phenomenon of inapparent an infection, and probably the first isolation of human influenza virus after experimental transmission. Nicolle made many different fundamental contributions to knowledge of infectious diseases.


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