vineri, 27 februarie 2015

Owen Chamberlain


“Each generation of scientists stands upon the shoulders of those who have gone before.”

born: July 10, 1920 San Francisco, California

died: February 28, 2006 Berkeley, California

American physicist, who shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1959 with Emilio Segrè for their discovery of the antiproton. This previously postulated subatomic particle used to be the 2nd antiparticle to be revealed and led right away to the discovery of many further antiparticles.In 1948 he joined the college of the University of California at Berkeley, the place he became a full professor in 1958 and professor emeritus in 1989. There he carried out research on alpha particle decay, neutron diffraction in liquids, and high-energy nuclear particle reactions. He and Segrè used the bevatron to provide antiprotons in 1955, and the next year they established the existence of the antineutron.


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