duminică, 24 mai 2015

George Osborne backed out of 'promise to French kiss' Conservative campaign manager Lynton Crosby

The Sunday Times reports that Chancellor Osborne promised to French kiss Lynton Crosby if the Conservative party won a majority in the General Election.

Osborne was so certain that his party was doomed to a minority victory that he made the pledge of a big smooch if campaign manager Crosby had worked his magic.

However, the paper reports that no such Frenching took place.

Lynton Crosby has been dubbed the “Wizard of Oz”Lynton Crosby has been dubbed the “Wizard of Oz” Instead, Osbourne gave him a peck on the cheek. Conservative insiders claim this constitutes consummation, but many will agree it is absolutely not the same thing.

This comes hot on the heels of Lord Paddy Ashdown failing to carry out his exit polls pledge on the day the election results were announced.


The former Liberal Democrat leader said he would "publicly eat his hat" if the prediction the Liberal Democrats would lose 47 seats was correct.

Despite being presented with his hat by news broadcaster Andrew Neil, Ashdown didn’t chow down on his fedora. Shame.

Read more: UK election: Lynton Crosby – the wizard from Oz
Former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown says he will eat his hat

Source link

- http://bit.ly/1F8Yduw

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