sâmbătă, 23 mai 2015

Isis 'jihadi bride' claims forced sex with Yazidi girls is never rape because Koran condones it

The article, by “Umm Sumayyah al-Muhajirah”, appears in the latest issue of Isis propaganda magazine Dabiq under the headline: “Slave-girls or prostitutes?”

In it, the writer claims that taking slaves like the Yazidi women through war (“saby”) is a “great prophetic Sunnah [teachings of Mohamed] containing many divine wisdoms and religious benefits”. Dabiq issue nineThe article appeared in the latest issue of Isis propaganda magazine Dabiq

Praising Isis’ slave markets, she attempts to insult Michelle Obama by claiming that no one would pay a "third of a dinar" for the First Lady of the US.

Umm Sumayyah puts reports of horrific abuse at the hands of Isis fighters down to “devious and wicked slave girls” who “made up lies and wrote false stories”.

Read more: UN records horrors suffered by Isis sex slaves
Isis claims Yazidi sex slaves justified under Islam
Yazidi women reveal Isis militants’ rape ‘lottery’

A UN envoy who interviewed dozens of sexual abuse victims in the region reported earlier this month that Isis is using widespread and systematic sexual violence as a “terrorist” tactic to spread fear.

Zainab Bangura described how fighters would strip the victims naked and categorise them before trading them in “slave bazaars” and shipping them to other provinces. The article claimed that it was better to use ‘infidel’ sex slaves than Western prostitutes

Umm Sumayyah said that Yazidi women who converted to Islam were well-treated and “welcomed” by fighters’ families, claiming many abandoned their own religion willingly and without coercion.

She wrote: “I and those with me at home prostrated to Allah in gratitude on the day the first slave-girl entered our home.

“Yes, we thanked our Lord for having let us live to the day we saw kufr (disbelivers) humiliated and its banner destroyed.”

The article claims that Isis’ bloody crusade to establish an Islamic State across Iraq and Syria is God’s will, continuing: “By Allah, we brought it back by the edge of the sword, and we did not do so through pacifism, negotiations, democracy, or elections.

“We established it according to the prophetic way, with blood-red swords, not with fingers for voting or tweeting.”

Members of the Yazidi religious minority, previously mainly based in the Sinjar region of Iraq, are considered heretics by Isis and have been massacred, enslaved and driven out by fighters in a genocidal campaign.

Citing select Koran passages and hadiths, Umm Sumayyah wrote that slavery only befalls a people that have “left Allah’s favour” when he “has no need for them”.

She lashed out at the vast majority of Muslims around the world who have condemned Isis’ interpretation of Sharia law, massacres and violence.

“(A Yazidi woman’s) enslavement is in opposition to human rights and copulation with her is rape?!?” she writes dismissively.

“We indeed raided and captured the kāfirah (infidel) women, and drove them like sheep by the edge of the sword. And glory belongs to Allah, to His Messenger, and the believers.” Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Isis in Sinjar town, walk towards the Syrian border, on the outskirts of Sinjar mountain, near the Syrian border town of Elierbeh of Al-Hasakah GovernorateYazidis were driven out of Sinjar by Isis last year

Umm Sumayyah claims that converted Yazidi women have been emancipated writing: “She found in Islam what she couldn’t find in kufr, despite the slogans of ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’.”

It is better to use a Yazidi sex slave than a prostitute in the West, she claims, because prostitutes “openly commit sin”.

“Leave us alone with your burping,” the article continues. “Surely the slave markets will be established against the will of the politically ‘correct’!

“And who knows, maybe Michelle Obama’s price won’t even exceed a third of a dīnār, and a third of a dīnār is too much for her.” The planned speech is tied to the 60th anniversary of the US Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education outlawing segregation in schoolsThe article attempted to insult Michelle Obama

Propaganda has appeared under the name of Umm Sumayyah al-Muhajirah before, including the last issue of Dabiq when she called on other women to join her and migrate to the “land of Islam” as jihadi brides.

The authorship of the article could not be confirmed.

Elsewhere in Dabiq, an article attributed to British hostage John Cantlie claimed that Isis is expanding so rapidly it could buy its first nuclear weapon within a year.

The group has seized two more cities in Iraq and Syria in the last week and it claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at a Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia that killed at least 21 people on Friday.

Source link

- http://bit.ly/1LvDPbA

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