sâmbătă, 2 mai 2015

Royal baby girl born: The princess is predicted to add over £1 billion to the UK economy – but what could that buy?

Director of the UK’s Centre for Retail Research, Joshua Bamfield,  has estimated that she will lead to add £150 million per annum to the UK’s economy – that’s more than £1 billion by the time she is six.

As the UK comes out of austerity, here’s what £150 million could buy:

£150 million is the average cost of administering an election.


It could fund 3,900 nurses or 1,800 hospital doctors for a year.

According to the King’s Fund, it could also pay for 25,050 hip replacements.


In terms of welfare, it would buy just over 22,000 state pensions or could fund 345,000 people’s disability living allowances.


The Ministry of Defence could also buy six challenger tanks or one and a half Typhoon jets for the money, according to the BBC.


Turning to education, the Government could use £150 million to pay for six extra secondary schools or free school meals for 375,000 children.

Experts have suggested that the birth of a girl will bring in more money to the UK economy than a boy – in the long term – according to City AM.

However, the spending frenzy predicted in the coming days is not anticipated to be as much as the £247 million boost brought in by the birth of Prince George.

Read more: Royal baby girl born: Duchess of Cambridge's second child will be a princess thanks to Queen
Royal baby live updates

Mr Bamfield, said: “I think there will be an immediate boost of around £80 million when the baby is born, with around £20 to £35 million spent on souvenirs and such like.”

“If the weather is good…then we could expect more money to be spent on food and drink, as people have barbecues too,” he added.

Mr Bamfield suggests that the birth of a girl could bring in a “significant” longer term economic boost, which could be of particular benefit to the fashion industries.

Source link

- http://bit.ly/1DRCjeP

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