luni, 30 martie 2015

Q&A: How Not to Catch a Cold on a Plane

Q. What can you do to reduce the possibility of becoming sick when you are trapped on a plane with a sneezing, coughing fellow passenger?

A. Take heart. Not everyone on the plane will catch whatever illness is being spread by those sneezes, and if you are uncomfortably close to a sick person, you might be able to request a seat farther away. Research published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that even a few rows of distance will cut risks significantly.

A small study of passengers on two long-haul flights carrying people infected with H1N1 influenza during the 2009 swine flu outbreak found that the transmission risk was increased by 7.7 percent for those within two seats of people with symptoms. If passengers were just in the same row or within two rows, the risk was increased by only 3.6 percent.

You can take a face mask that covers your nose and mouth. The C.D.C. says that N95-type face masks,which filter out 95 percent of particles, have been up to 90 percent effective in warding off infection in experiments. Even a less efficient mask could be useful on a plane, the researchers said, based on a study of the transmission of H1N1 flu on another international flight.

And remember that not all disease transmission is airborne. The standard recommendations for washing your hands frequently and for avoiding touching your nose and eyes will go a long way toward protecting you on a plane. You can also carry disinfecting wipes for surfaces like seat trays.

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