duminică, 29 martie 2015

The Week Ahead: Neglected No More, A Rich Latin Legacy

Preparing for the Museum of Modern Art’s “Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980,” which opens on Sunday, was a process of excavation. Barry Bergdoll, who organized the show with Carlos Eduardo Comas, Patricio del Real and Jorge Francisco Liernur, made multiple visits to the region, scouring architects’ offices, tracking down architects’ descendants and borrowing material from state archives.

“This was a huge gap in our collective understanding — we treat Latin America as a colony, rather than as one of the great powerhouses,” said Mr. Bergdoll, who returned to full-time responsibilities in Columbia University’s art history department in 2013 after serving as MoMA’s chief architecture curator for six years. “In this show, we try to recalibrate our history of 20th-century architecture and to reintegrate Latin America into the trans-Atlantic dialogue that is Modernism.”

Using architectural drawings, models, photographs and film clips, the exhibition highlights projects like university campuses in Mexico City and Caracas, Venezuela, and the development of the capital of Brasília. (moma.org)

Source link

- http://bit.ly/19g7hEz

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