vineri, 27 martie 2015

Beautiful places to visit - Denmark

Dunree Naval Fort, in Donegal.

The North of Jutland is an island on the top of Denmark, split from mainland Jutland by the enormous Limfjord. To the north, it juts dramatically out into sea on all sides.

aalborg aalborg-jens-bangs-stenhus

You’ll find that this isolation produces a very special light and more hours of sunshine than the rest of Denmark.

IMG_2753 North-Jutland-Coast-Maritime-Museum

The landscape is beautiful but harsh, with endless white beaches, sand dunes, cliffs, heathland and forests.

Folk står i gang

Witness the bizarre sight of trees bending east from the sheer force of the prevailing wind or take a break from the wind around the sheltered straits, inlets and bays of the Limfjord.




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