vineri, 20 martie 2015

Beautiful places to visit - Moldova

Orheiul Vechi is an ancient settlement situated in the left bank of the Raut river near the villages of Trebujeni and Butuceni in Orhei district (about 50 km northeast of Chisinau).

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In the Middle Ages, two medieval towns were set up here. The first one Sehr-al-cedid (New Town) occupied almost the whole territory of the settlement (268 ha) belongs to the Golden Horde (XIVth century); the second one is the ancient Moldavian town of Orhei, which was established here in the XVth – XVIth centuries. Other vestiges discovered on the territory of the settlement : a mosque, two mausoleum, a caravan-seraglio and three bath houses. An orthodox cave monastery dated from XII century is still working nowadays and the English speaking monk will tell you some of its history. Down in Butuceni village is a small peasant house preserved from the XXth century and transformed into a museum.




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