joi, 26 martie 2015

Ed Miliband strikes back: Am I tough enough? Hell yes. Would I have a pint with David Cameron? No, but I would share a bacon sarnie

Are you okay Ed?

The best moment of the whole showdown came right at the end when the microphones were meant to be switched off.

After finishing his grilling of Ed Miliband, Jeremy Paxman turned to the Labour leader and with concern in his voice, he asked: "Are you alright, Ed?"

"Yes. Are you?" replied a confident Ed Miliband. Because this is a man who "stood up" to Rupert Murdoch.

Mr Murdoch himself weighed in on the debate:

Read more:
Catch up with all the action from Cameron v Miliband
Miliband takes most plaudits TV debates: Ed Miliband's counter-attack on Jeremy Paxman beats David Cameron's bore-draw tactics

Miliband does a Paxman to Jeremy:

Asked whether he would be forced to cut a deal with the SNP, the Labour leader shot back: “You don’t get to decide the outcome of the general election – you’re important Jeremy, but not that important.” Zing.

A pint, a carrot or a bacon sandwich?

Kay Burley ends her Q&A by asking whether Miliband would consider going to the pub for a pint with David Cameron.

“I don’t know whether we’d have a pint," Miliband replied. "A carrot?" Burley asked. "We could  share a bacon sandwich or something." Glad we got that one settled.

Will David Cameron take up Ed Miliband's offer to share a bacon sandwich with him?Will David Cameron take up Ed Miliband’s offer to share a bacon sandwich with him?

Don’t tell Ed Miliband he’s not tough enough

“Am I tough enough? Hell yes I’m tough enough." Miliband bats away suggestions he would be too weak on the international stage.

The cool kids think you’re weird Ed.

People see you as a north London geek, Paxman tells Miliband. "Who cares?" he replies.

"Newspapers can write what they want, the bloke on the tube can say what he likes. I don’t care."

Kay Burley expresses sympathy for Miliband’s mum

The Sky News presenter pitied Miliband’s mum when the Labour leader spoke about his "bruising" contest with his brother David over the party leadership. "Your poor mum," was Burley’s comment on the matter.

Paxman grills Cameron on whether he could live on a zero-hours contract:


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